As the healing art of Kalaripayattu, Marma Chikitsa is a practical system of understanding health based on a profound respect for
nature. The word marma means vital points. The word chikitsa means therapy.
There are several different herbal medicines in the Kalari apothacary, always applied externally to affected joints and soft tissue. The techniques for treatment of chronic back and joint pain are time tested and very effective.
Massage is performed seasonally as preventative health care. Uzuchil is the Malayalam word for this massage treatment.
There are several different herbal medicines in the Kalari apothacary, always applied externally to affected joints and soft tissue. The techniques for treatment of chronic back and joint pain are time tested and very effective.
Massage is performed seasonally as preventative health care. Uzuchil is the Malayalam word for this massage treatment.
Benefits of Uzuchil
Blood vessels expand, good circulation is encouraged and
therefore the body’s cells get the correct amount of oxygen. Uzuchil is not a
cure for heart disease, but it can remove blockages (in early stages) from blood vessels.
The lymphatic function improves, therefore toxins are removed
from the body faster.
As the nervous system becomes healthier, we have improved
creativity in our daily activities.
People who are unable to exercise for various reasons can
enjoy the benefits of massage. Massage can compensate for a lot of the work
that is achieved by exercise in a healthy body.
When all body systems are activated, immunity automatically
As skin gets better circulation, sensitivity improves. Skin
can better protect the body from climatic changes.
After the course of massage is completed, you can see
freshness in the face because of improved circulation. Better sleep at night,
improved appetite, better digestion, softer skin, and relief from pain and
numbness can be enjoyed.
Invisible effects include the activation of body systems,
clearing blockages and correcting imbalances.
All body systems must work properly for good health
The major body systems are respiration, nervous system,
blood circulatory system, excretory system, lymphatic system, and the skeletal
Those major body systems are divided into subsystems, or
organs. All organs are connected to at least one system, often more. If any one
system is not working properly, other systems will be affected.
We receive everything from nature to experience a smooth, healthy
life. The way that we receive from nature is through the five organs of our senses. By mouth we
receive food and water. Our nose receives oxygen. Our eyes enable us to
visualize the messages that nature offers, likewise ears allow us to listen.
Skin allows us to feel messages from nature. Influenced by the sun,
skin receives heat and produces vitamin D. Skin also receives influence from stars, moon,
planets and the Earth.
Upon receiving, these messages all need to be processed in
our body. The way that our body does this is through the exercise of every part
of our body, even the smallest cells. Here
the definition of exercise is, “the real function of an organ or organism.” For
example, the brain receives information through the sensory nerves, giving commands to
different parts of the body through motor nerves; here is exercise of the
brain, and the nervous system.
If we are living in a natural way, in a natural environment,
then nature will tell us what to do and exercise will be automatic. However, we
have changed nature (as civilized creatures) and therefore our bodies aren’t
getting proper signals, so they are not taking proper exercise, and therefore
things malfunction in our bodies.
Massage is a way to provide this exercise to the body
systems, in the absence of smooth healthy operations brought on by the natural
environment. It is a compensation for our inability to always live in a proper
climate, eat natural whole foods, breathe clean air and move when we feel like
we are becoming stiff from sitting still for too long.
Most problems only become apparent when they become an
emergency, for example: a heart attack. Imbalances occur even when we appear
healthy, so perhaps the heart attack could be avoided by balancing the
circulatory system far in advance of the crisis.
Types of Massage
There are two types of massage in the marma chikitsa system,
massage by hand and massage by foot.
Massage by hand can be done in a course of either 7, 14 or
21 days. Usually a 14-day course is
prescribed. A 7-day course can be employed
in subsequent years. A 21-day course can be employed to correct severe
imbalances brought on by injuries.
On the first day, the evenly applied number of strokes is
smaller, increasing until the center of the cycle, then decreasing the number
of strokes until the last day. On the first and last day, the number of strokes
is the same. In this way the cycle of
treatment respects nature, it waxes and wanes like the moon and it changes
according to a pattern like the seasons.
Massage by foot is for athletes, like dancers, gymnasts and
martial artists who require more flexibility. It is only indicated for people
who are very strong and healthy.
After Massage
After each massage, 30 minutes rest should be taken, which
should be a good amount of time for the body to cool to it's normal temperature. Finally, a shower should
be taken in water that is the same temperature as the body. A thermometer is
not necessary; the water should just not feel cold or hot.
During the course of massage and after the entire course of
massage has been completed, the body will be very sensitive and should be
protected from risky things like excessive heat or cold, fog, rain, too much
sun, etc. The person should make an effort to become closer to nature and sleep
during the night, be awake during the day, but take a short nap if the body
calls for it. The body will also be
sensitive in a good way. Nutrients and medicines will be more easily
assimilated. Be careful of alcohol, as the client’s tolerance will be lowered.
The client should be careful not to get injured during the
time during and after the massage series. The client should be counseled to
notify the therapist of any injury and receive treatment immediately.
Contraindications for Massage
Broken bones and dislocations as well as damaged blood
vessels, ligaments and tendons should be avoided during the massage.
with extremely high blood pressure should not take massage, although if the
condition is minor or controlled, then it is okay.
No pressure should be applied to varicose veins,.
People with cancer should not take massage.
Serious diseases affecting main organs contraindicate
massage. Massage may overtax organs affected by serious disease.
If stroke, aneurism, or any other brain disease affects a
person, massage should not be applied to the head or neck.
How Uzuchil works within the body
Although the physical act of massage appears to take place
only on the surface, so much more is taking place.
The brain receives a simple message, and then responds. The
muscle gets simple, slight exercise as a result of the therapist’s pressure.
Just like in all exercise, the muscle will require protein in response. The brain must carry protein to the muscles
by employing the heart and blood vessels.
Then the circulatory system gets exercise through the action of blood
vessels carrying protein to the muscle and the brain. The heart gets exercise
by pumping blood. The brain continues to exercise by sending messages to the
small intestine to provide protein to blood vessels. The small intestine gives
a message to the brain to tell digestion to provide protein. The brain tells
the stomach to supply semi-digested food to the small intestine. Suppose no food is in the stomach, the stomach
tells the brain that there is no food. Then the brain responds by making the
person receiving massage feel hunger, so they take food. The brain tells the
lungs to extract more oxygen, the kidneys must purify and filter blood, and
also the liver must do its work. The
brain gets the best benefit, but all the body’s systems and organs are
stimulated by the simple act of massage.
Considerations for Uzuchil
Massage should be performed in a place with good ventilation
and light, on a traditional braided mat. The mat promotes air circulation and
also does not hinder blood circulation in the skin.
It should be done on the floor, not a table, so the
therapist can apply even pressure to both sides of the body.
The person receiving massage should lie with their head
towards the east, in alignment with the rotation of the earth. Otherwise, even
if the person doesn’t directly feel it, there will be a sense of uneasiness.
Part of the way through the massage of the back body, the
person receiving massage should sit up on their elbows. The reason is to
provide for circulation, giving the front body a break from being stuck against
the floor.
The person receiving massage should not lie on their side.
The reason for lying only on the front and back is that the two sides of the
body should maintain identical pressure and an even number of strokes.
Massage should not be given during uncomfortable times of
the year. In Kerala this means that the morning is best. Only the morning and
the evening are suitable, because the middle of the day is too hot.
The ideal season in Kerala is during the monsoons: June,
July, and August, because the atmosphere is cooler. June is ideal because the
sun is close to Kerala but there is also rain. Kerala, in June is not too hot
for massage. At that time, the skin can receive maximum benefits from the
sun. Depending upon the conditions of
your own specific geographical region, the times that are ideal for massage
will be different. You should therefore calculate according to the above
criteria as they apply to your own locality.
The moon is also a factor.
The full moon increases circulation. During the full moon, the number of
strokes increases and then decreases at a lower rate. For example, on the first
days the prescribed number of strokes will be 10, then the following day will
be 11. Closer to a new moon, increase the strokes at a higher rate. For
example, the first days will be 10, then 13 subsequently.
There are a lot of types of oil that will be suitable. The
oil shouldn’t be cooling or heating. Sesame (gingili), olive, almond, and
sandalwood oils are appropriate. The type of oil
used at CVN Kalari Edakkad is an ayurvedic preparation called Mezuthialam and is ideal because of
its neutral effect on body temperature, also the herbs that are infused in it
expand lymphatic vessels. Hot oil should not be used. The oil should not be
During the massage, the client should feel safe. The
atmosphere should be quiet, with no conversation except for unavoidable directions.
The client should feel able to express if they need adjustment for their
comfort. Both the therapist and the client should be in a calm state, allowing
plenty of time so that there is no sense of rush. Avoid distractions, especially
negative thoughts of sorrow or envy.
Soothing music can help create a relaxed atmosphere, but
even the calmest music can trigger bad memories, so be aware.
During the time during which a course of massage is given,
the foods eaten should be of an easily digestible nature. The person should not
stay hungry or thirsty, but should eat and drink as the body dictates. If no
food is available, then drink a glass of water to temper the craving. Eat what
is appealing and tasty of unprocessed, natural foods. Eat a varied diet so that the body gets
appropriate nutrients.
Even if only lower quality foods are available, a varied
diet helps. Also vitamins can be taken. The human body is good at taking what
it needs and eliminating what it doesn’t need. The exception to this rule is
when the body is subjected to toxins that are stronger than its own power of
digestion. If too many or too strong of toxins are present, they may defeat the
body’s defenses before it has a chance to eliminate the offending substances.
On the middle day of the course of massage, a stomach
cleaning should be taken. Castor oil, 50 ml, should be taken early in
the morning, then only hot water should be taken until the stomach is cleaned.
The evidence that the stomach is clean is that only water and a few bubbles
will be exiting through the colon. If
there is already a problem with the stomach, the cleaning should be undertaken
at the beginning of the course of massage. If the individual has employed this
technique any time in the previous 6 months, then they should wait until the
series is completed to do it again.
Both the therapist and the client should be in good health,
without any infectious diseases present. Even a small fever or cold
contraindicates massage, only a healthy body is capable of fully processing the
messages and signals that massage sends to organs and body systems.
The therapist must have a flexible and fit body in order to
do massage.
Fingernails must be cut and smooth, and poking should be
avoided. Only smooth, deliberate, controlled pressure should be employed.
The same therapist that starts the course of massage should
complete it, and only one therapist should work at a time on a client. Pressure
should be even and consistent throughout the course of massage.
About Applying Pressure
Assuming that the circulatory system is healthy, blood
vessels receive direct benefit from massage, because the strokes are performed
in the same direction as blood flows. Therefore blood flow is improved.
Massage is designed to encourage the flow of pure blood
supply and the removal of impure blood. This is the function of both the
direction of strokes and the pressure applied.
When massaging limbs, pressure is applied when massage
strokes are moving away from the heart (distal strokes). When moving towards
the heart (proximal strokes), less pressure is applied. The location and
direction of prescribed strokes encourages fresh, pure blood supply through
arteries while protecting the valves in veins that remove waste blood. Only
veins have valves. Arteries have no valves. This is only true when applying
strokes along the sagittal plane, or parallel to the midline of the long body.
When applying strokes to the transverse plane, or horizontal
plane of the body, no pressure should be applied between the heart and
shoulders, neither up nor down, distal or proximal. However, pressure can be
applied between heart and hips, when strokes are performed in both distal and
proximal directions.
In all cases, no pressure should be applied to varicose
Lymphatic vessels only flow one way, toward the gut. Valves
are present in lymphatic vessels. The purpose of lymph is to filter swelling,
infection and also pure blood that is between cells, therefore cleaning the
body of infection and protecting the heart from infectious material. In this
way, the heart is protected from impure blood.
If the lymph system is not working properly, swelling may be
visible in extremities. In such situations, blood supply to the heart will be
impeded. A complete failure of the lymph system will result in death after 24
On the posterior side of the body, or back body, pressure
should be applied away from the spine. Less pressure should be applied towards
the spine. This respects the natural way that nerves are fixed at the spine and
radiate out away from the center of the body. Applying pressure during proximal
(towards the spine) strokes will result in jamming the nerve fibers against
their natural way.
In the final finishing work, when the person receiving
massage sits on their knees, no pressure should be applied. If the person is unable to sit on their
knees, the final work can take place with the person sitting with legs
extended, or even on a chair.
Speed Control
A general rule is that in a colder climate strokes should be
performed faster in the interest of heating the body. In a warm climate,
strokes should be slower, to prevent overheating the body.
The strokes preformed
on the torso through the arm should match to the breath of the person receiving
massage. This is true of both the anterior (front) and posterior (back) sides
of the body.
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